The Spirit Bliss - Spiritual Coaching, Breathwork, Yoga & More


Our breath is our most faithful companion and gives us our precious life.

But he does much more than that:

He gives us the opportunity to find support within ourselves!

Life is a constant flow...

Situations and people come and go...

The world is changing...

But something always stays with us:

Our breath.

When the world feels like it's turning too fast again or when we realize that we're looking for happiness outside in vain...

...we can return to ourselves through our breath and draw happiness, fulfillment and contentment from within.

Sounds too easy? Precisely because it is so simple, many people underestimate the incredible power of breathing. Since our first breath, we have been equipped with everything we need for a fulfilling and happy life! It's just a matter of becoming aware of it again and looking inward. I invite you to dive deep into this unique experience of your most powerful source and  book a breathwork session with me.

The Spirit Bliss - Spiritual Coaching in Hamburg & online


I was taught by one of the most famous breathwork mentors: Daniel Alan, founder and owner of "The Art of Breath". He has traveled around the world studying the philosophy of breath and has drawn inspiration from various traditions and cultures. All of this flows into his current consciousness and breathing work. He has brought about profound change in thousands of people and I was deeply happy and grateful that Daniel shared his many gifts with me while being his student. The Certification as a Breathwork Facilitator through Daniel's intensive, highly spiritual and in-depth teacher training completed my personal journey in search of the fulfillment of my spiritual name "DASS PAVAN" - the carrier of the breath of life - which was given to me as a child.

"Thus to me working as a breathwork facilitator means following my sacred calling while serving my life purpose." ~ Kaja