The Spirit Bliss Kaja Dass Pavan Spiritual Coach

I am a “23” –the number of my birthday- which in numerology is described as “the spiritual worker; the one who does ambitiously and diligently her homework, who is eager to learn, and wants to learn more, more and more.

At the same time, already as a child, I always wanted to get to the bottom of EVERYTHING.  I wanted to find out the deeper meanings and the true causes behind things, events and the ups and downs of human life. I remember a friend of mine once saying while we were in the middle of a deep talk about his life situation: “Kaja, this talk is so different for me…you
start questioning where others usually stopped!”

These two aspects alone can explain very well why I love so much what I offer in my work with THESPIRITBLISS.

I also believe,  I have naturally been coaching people my entire life.

It started in my beloved extended family with complex relationship patterns and a lot of shadow work that had to be done.

My grandmother and her 6 sisters of Romanian heritage with deep, deep roots of spirituality such as tarot card reading, cure by incantation of illnesses, removing of curses - Here I was taught so much about superstition and the whole spiritual world. Furthermore within this Matriarchy, the enormous power of being a woman and the unique gifts and responsibilities
that come along with it became clear to me.

Growing up in this side of the family full of strong, wise women gave me a very complex role as the first woman of the third generation.

My “Birth-Mother”, first woman of the second generation, is an extraordinary woman of strength, discipline, self-determination and resilience herself. When she filed for divorce in 1977, this act of liberation and self-determination for her and me developed akin to being marked by a scarlet letter... also it was then that I experienced the first strong memories of other previous lives.

My bonus mother who entered my life as my father’s second wife when I was 6 years old was a direct disciple of Yogi Bhajan, a wonderful hippie and a deep seeker herself – united with my father in great love for OSHOs wisdom and impact to that time. She became my next great female guide, first yoga teacher and role model while I was soaking up from her all spiritual content of Kundalini Yoga and the wonderful treasure of Yoga and Ayurveda in general.


Growing up between Germany and the Island life style of America, with the rich influence of yogis, gurus, hippies, spiritual gypsies
and countless seekers of life’s secrets and deeper meaning, my work today seems to me as nothing but a “logical” consequence.

Other girls my age took ballet, arts, athletics or horse riding lessons.
I – instead - learned Reiki, Silva Mind Control, Meditation, Mantra Recitation, Astrology and many other wonderful things instead.

Not to sound too enthusiastic: back then it was a curse and a blessing at the same time…I many times only longed to be a “normal” girl, with a “normal” family.

Today, turning 53 years of earthly age this year, I know that “normal” is a word I can’t relate to, a word that I have nothing to do with and that simply isn’t of meaning to me.

In my twenties I already knew I was foremost a “SPIRIT” and
heart-centered soul who wanted to make a difference in life, to leave life on day a little bit better, a little bit brighter. I studied and became a teacher, later on with basic studies in psychology a certified counselor and started to counsel teachers, students and their families. Always teaching at public schools and Yoga and spiritual content parallel, I enjoyed a very colorful and rich
work life. My private life was traveling,  yoga and spirituality. Over the years my spiritual calling got louder and louder as my own spiritual development got deeper and deeper.

My exit from a conventional life was then abruptly catalyzed with tremendous forces and speed by many different worldly circumstances and almost unbearable pain-
Covid energies on top in full force.


Think of: Sandstorms. Hurricanes. Earthquakes.Tsunamis. Fires.

You’ll get ideas of how I had to cope with these challenges.

How I could only manage these forces...

I had to surrender COMPLETELY... And I did.


Today,  I honor my life purpose with pride, integrity and deep understanding of all “whys” and “hows”.

Many times people have come to me seeking advice and even complete strangers tend to open up to me and share their entire life stories with me out of nowhere. This has always given me a great sense of gratitude, honor and meaning to help others reflect, develop and find their own answers to their questions.Soon I knew that within this process I wanted to help them following their own calling and recognizing their full potential.

So within sharing all the holistic tools given to me since an early age such as yoga, breathwork and spirituality and a rich wealth of experiences as a daughter, sister, mother, teacher, lover, healer and woman, I am following my life purpose, my calling, my bliss and my destiny.

And consequently I do what I can do best –  while living up what I want to expose:

Always do what makes your SPIRIT  truly happy!!!

And – at the same time - get rid of the sh*t!!!

Only then there will be no other option than living atruly fulfilled and BLISSful life.

Blisses & Blessings,